Blog posts tagged #tasks-for-aws

Tasks for AWS 2.12

Steffen Opel on 
Tasks for AWS icon The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.12 – this release adds a new task to deploy and operate AWS Step Functions state machines to enable coordination of components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows, adds support for Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) placement policies, and adds support for AWS Elastic Beanstalk application lifecycle management. You can now create/start/stop/delete AWS Step Functions state machines, specify placement policies when registering Amazon ECS Task Definitions, creating Amazon ECS Services, and running Amazon ECS Tasks, and specify application lifecycle policies when creating an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application.

Tasks for AWS 2.11

Steffen Opel on 
Tasks for AWS icon The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.11 – this release adds new actions for AWS CloudFormation change sets to enable Continuous Delivery approval workflows, and adds support for using IAM roles with Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) tasks. You can now create/execute/delete change sets for AWS CloudFormation Stacks, and specify IAM roles when registering Amazon ECS Task Definitions and running/starting Amazon ECS Tasks.

Tasks for AWS 2.10

Steffen Opel on 
Tasks for AWS icon The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.10 – this release adds an Amazon ECR Credentials Variables task to Bamboo for providing temporary Amazon EC2 Container Registry authentication credentials to other tools by injecting them via variables into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Docker task, supports additional deployment options for the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), and adds support for assuming another IAM role from EC2 instance profile credentials used by an Elastic Bamboo agent.

Tasks for AWS 2.9

Steffen Opel on 
Tasks for AWS icon The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.9 – this release adds new tasks to deploy and operate AWS OpsWorks apps, adds new actions to support AWS Lambda versions and aliases, and adds a ZIP archive option for artifact uploads to Amazon S3. You can now create/update/delete OpsWorks Apps, run app and stack commands with OpsWorks Deployments, publish new Lambda Function versions and create/update/delete Lambda Function aliases, and upload ZIP archives as S3 Objects.