Pledge 1%

Utoolity is part of the movement

Utoolity Pledge 1% icon Being an Atlassian ecosystem member since 2012, we took note when Atlassian co-founded Pledge 1% in 2014. Once we realized that this corporate philanthropy movement applies to companies large and small, joining the many great companies in this community in 2016 was an easy choice.

Giving back

The idea behind Pledge 1% is simple enough: The movement encourages companies to donate 1% of their staff time, product, profit, and/or equity to any charity of their choice to leverage a share of their success to support nonprofits. It’s a small commitment that can make a big difference. If you want to join us and others in our support of Pledge 1%, or for more information, please visit

Our commitment

Utoolity pledges product, profit, and time:

Atlassian Marketplace programs

Thanks to the Atlassian Marketplace Community and Open Source programs, we have so far been able to give away over 8% of our Atlassian app licenses for free to a growing variety of nonprofit organizations and open source projects.

Room to Read

Room to Read logo Room to Read seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in low-income communities by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Our first indirect contributions to Room to Read go way back to 2009 by means of the proceeds for Atlassian's $10 starter licenses. We continue to donate directly and indirectly whenever there's an opportunity to assist Room to Read in achieving their cause. Learn more about Room to Read's amazing work at