AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) Supports Step Functions State Machines Steffen Opel on August 31, 2020 I have published an InfoQ news post about the AWS team's approach to provision workflow orchestration as an integrated part of serverless applications: Read more… #news #infoq #aws #aws-step-functions #sam #serverless #automation #workflow #automation-with-aws
AWS Open Sources and Expands Serverless Application Model (SAM) Implementation Steffen Opel on April 30, 2018 I have published an InfoQ news post about the AWS team's efforts to accelerate the evolution of CloudFormation's built-in serverless support: Read more… #news #infoq #aws #aws-lambda #serverless #sam #devops #open-source-software #automation-with-aws
AWS Makes Serverless Application Repository Generally Available Steffen Opel on February 28, 2018 I have published an InfoQ news post about the AWS team's efforts to establish a discovery and distribution platform for serverless solutions: Read more… #news #infoq #aws #aws-lambda #serverless #devops #sam #automation-with-aws